right to do foreign trade中文什么意思

发音:   用"right to do foreign trade"造句
  • right:    adj. 1.右,右方的,右侧的,右 ...
  • do:    n. 【音乐】(全音阶的)第一音, ...
  • foreign:    adj. 1.外国的;外交的。 2. ...
  • trade:    n. 1.贸易;商业,交易;零售商。 ...
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  1. Article 1 the corporation or enterprise ( agent ) that has the right to handle foreign trade may , within the approved business scope and as per the relevant state regulations , act as import or export business agent for another corporation or enterprise ( principal ) which has the right to do foreign trade business


  1. right to defense 什么意思
  2. right to derive benefit from land 什么意思
  3. right to development 什么意思
  4. right to dignity and personal integrity 什么意思
  5. right to dispose of land 什么意思
  6. right to earnings; right to yields 什么意思
  7. right to education 什么意思
  8. right to engage in foreign trade 什么意思
  9. right to enjoyment 什么意思
  10. right to equal pary for equal work 什么意思


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